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Jupiter square Saturn August 2024 Horoscopes

This is an energy that will be prevalent all year, and as we are approaching the timeframe of the first exact square between these two giants, it is time to talk about the themes most likely to come up for you. Please read these from your RISING SIGN as that will be most accurate. If you do not know your rising sign, your sun sign may be helpful. For a more detailed reading personalized to your chart, book a session!

♈️Aries: Jupiter in the 3rd house, dominating square from Saturn in the 12th house, cycle was seeded in 11th house, Aquarius.

The cycle intention has been to revamp your connections with folks that can help you achieve great things for yourself. Ever since the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in your 11th house and now with Pluto hovering over that same degree, new systems of networking are needed. This is about plugging into a larger mycelium network and having an undercurrent of power and support aiding you in doing so.

As Gemini rules your 3rd house, ideas and support abound right in front of you in your local environment. In fact, there’s a MASSIVE amount of energy and focus on this area, with tons of support in community development. It’s necessary to observe and cultivate local customs, even if it feels foreign or if you feel very out of place doing so. This will help ensure your wider network continues to flourish and will help you make the right connections to keep you moving towards your own goals.

All of this supportive social activity is being checked by the square to Saturn in Pisces in your 12th house. This is happening in the background; there are unknown unknowns holding you back, beliefs so ingrained you're not even aware of them – this is a subtle process playing out; an emotional excavation that evokes evaluation. Saturn will remain in Pisces until May of next year, providing ample opportunity to work with this healing energy. Where are you holding yourself back from speaking up and expressing yourself? You might find it helpful to take periods of rest and quiet to focus on developing your meditative practices, however that may look for you, in between engaging with the social aspects that are figuratively blooming in front of you right now.

♉️Taurus: Jupiter in the 2nd house, dominating square from the 11th house, cycle was seeded in Aquarius in the 10th.

The intention of this cycle has been to establish a completely new system or a new direction with your career. How you're known publicly is undergoing a seismic shift ever since the Jupiter – Saturn conjunction in December 2020 in your 10th house, and now as Pluto has been activating this point, hovering around 0 degrees of Aquarius, to stay still and stagnate will be like death. It is time to grow!

The main place of growth concerning this cycle is occurring with your resources. There are abundant opportunities and ideas for how to support the self, though it might be in a very unconventional way. It could be tempting to try all of them at once or spread yourself too thin, so do try to be selective and use your good sense of pragmatism to be conservative and avoid wasting valuable resources and opportunities. I heard a saying recently that might apply here, ‘You left money on the table,’ meaning, there are opportunities to take that you are allowing to pass by. However, if you split your focus too much it could be detrimental to your overall growth down the road. Not all opportunities are GOOD opportunities, and if you are feeling a sense of FOMO, it might be best to wait on it or pass altogether to remain focused on one or two things.

Tension is being applied from associations and networks - how can they be leveraged for support? Saturn transiting through your 11th house has been helpful for those of you wishing for more steady support, and is encouraging you to think more in terms of the long-term game plan. When it comes to finances in particular, since the 11th and 2nd are both finance houses, this could express itself as the desire to grow your retirement savings while wanting to spend on luxurious things. Well, Taurus, what is your priority, here? Saturn in the dominating position suggests to me that thinking more in terms of what you want for yourself in 10, 20, 30 years time is more important than the temporary fun you could have now. There may even be a wiser, more conservative figure offering support or a hand up – but at a cost.

♊️Gemini: Jupiter in the 1st house, dominating square from 10th house, cycle seeded in Aquarius in the 9th.

Your old systems of belief and spirituality were in need of an overhaul, and that has been the intention of this cycle. Ever since the Jupiter – Saturn conjunction in Aquarius in your 9th house, there has been a subtle shift in your higher ideals, where a good deal of the things you used to think and believe have changed and your spiritual practices are bound to reflect this! Pluto now hovering over the same degree is adding power and amperage to the electric pulse that has already occurred.

With Jupiter now in your first house, you are now the force for change. This is a major period of growth! You're learning to hold the tension of the opposites and see a unified picture amidst the many details and divisions, like a fine mosaic coming together with juxtaposing pieces. This can be challenging in and of itself because the creative flow of ideas is incredibly numerous, so finding the discipline to focus on one thing at a time will be the key. For some of you, your body is growing and changing in new ways, and hopefully in the healthier direction! If you have a problem with sweets, now is the time to address that. Jupiter will also bring to the forefront a likely change in your identity, how you think about yourself will take new shape gradually over the next year.

With Saturn in the dominating position transiting your 10th house, the biggest difficulty comes from how you're known to the world and what your reputation is - is there a mismatch between how you feel inside and how you're living or what you're doing? Is there another role, another public identity, that you are trying on at this time, testing out, that maybe you are unsure of or don’t feel particularly good about? Sometimes Saturn can feel like a bitter medicine, but this deepening is a beautiful process. I picture a butterfly in the cocoon, not quite ready to bust out past the boundaries that it knew before, but almost there. Embrace the difficulties here and watch as you reap the rewards. As you go through personal changes, your higher guiding principles will morph along with you. Allow this to flow, and remember that taking on more responsibilities to balance out your playful nature is not a bad thing!

♋️Cancer: Jupiter in the 12th house, dominating square from Saturn in the 9th house, cycle was seeded in 8th in Aquarius.

There’s an overhaul going on in the area of other people's esteem... how willing are others to lend you their resources, and what projects and values do you share with others? A beautiful thing about the 8th house for Cancer rising is how interconnected and forward thinking your shared projects tend to be. Pluto now activating the conjunction point here is likely to bring up very uncomfortable truths and karmic contracts for you to release, however. You might be wrestling with themes of power and control as you restructure these shared values and shared resources.

Growth is coming from the unconscious - healing and alternative ideas about how to work with the energetic body come to mind. Jupiter transiting through the 12th house is allowing an examination on all of the ‘details’ that drive you mad. How do you think your way into a bad mood, for example? Essentially, there are a number of things that are going to come up from the unconscious, a blind spot, and this period will be a lovely time for severing cords and lightening the load. Jupiter generally helps us to handle these topics with grace and ease.

A big challenge is stemming from your own belief systems and spirituality with Saturn squaring the pileup in Gemini from Pisces in your 9th house - What do you think and therefore feel about the world that hamstrings you? This is beautiful energy for uprooting these personal limits, as they hold you back from receiving the support that you need from other people! Maybe it is time to put into action a spiritual practice you have been learning about that will help you with your healing journey. There could also be an elderly figure that takes on the role of teacher and guide to assist, but don’t expect it to be a light and airy process as Saturn carries heft and gravitas.

♌️Leo: Jupiter in the 11th house, dominating square from the 8th house, cycle was seeded in Aquarius in the 7th.

You are experiencing a reconstruction in how you think about all types of relationships - business or romantic – as Pluto has been activating the conjunction point of Jupiter Saturn and is now being further activated by the trine from Jupiter in Gemini. The old systems of how you used to relate don't work anymore. The types of partners you have attracted into your life up until now have all followed a similar pattern and that pattern itself is dramatically shifting. You might be experiencing themes of power and control, death and rebirth coming up either in how you relate to others or in how your partners relate to you. Alternatively, your partner themselves is undergoing a rather dramatic change and you are being asked to support them while they go through this process. For example, if your partner were pregnant or otherwise going through dramatic bodily changes, this would fit this theme quite nicely.

Major growth is coming from your network and there is something about the beneficial partnerships you currently have that is helping this process along. There are folks ready to offer you a hand up, though it's likely not going to be in the way you expect or can anticipate. Support will be from an unlikely or counter culture individual as Jupiter transiting through your 11th house of Gemini will indicate. Connections and networking will be most beneficial if you step outside of your usual circles and cultivate something radically different.

The tension most prevalent in this cycle is coming from the need to mature or utilize shared resources more effectively. Saturn transiting your 8th house brings to mind a heavier karmic contract that could be in some way bringing obstacles to your attention. For example, you may want to make new connections like I detailed above, but you’re required to attend to obligations with your spouse or family, like taking care of a sick relative. Or, there is a need to create stronger boundaries around how much energy and resources are going into your obligations to others. Some of you may need to honour a bond, others may need to release it.

♍️Virgo: Jupiter in the 10th house, squaring Saturn in the 7th house, cycle was seeded in the 6th, Aquarius.

As Pluto has been flirting with 0° Aquarius, it has been reactivating this point where the Jupiter – Saturn conjunction occurred, bringing more awareness to the systems currently in place for how you take care of yourself and those that govern your habits and health. This Jupiter-Saturn cycle has been about totally changing these habits and is receiving a good deal of fuel from Pluto – and what a force to uproot self sabotaging behaviour, indeed!

As Jupiter moves through Gemini, your 10th house, it is providing ample growth to expand and perhaps alter the direction your career is going. This influence from Jupiter is also being fuelled by the underlying need to make changes in regards to your self care in particular. Also, how you are known in the world is experiencing a big boost, maybe you want to embrace a different path that will in turn help you to establish these new systems of self care. It's not gonna be an easy path; it will feel very much like going against the grain. The biggest take away here will be to try and focus on one main thing and break down what you need to accomplish it into smaller goals. There is plenty of support for you to make these important shifts, but be patient with yourself! Lasting change will not happen overnight.

With Saturn making a big square to the Gemini adventure from your 7th house, the biggest challenge comes from a deep desire to mature your relationships - how can you ever expect to reach for your biggest dreams and goals if you are expending a ton of energy and not being supported by the relationships that you choose? Picking the right partners now (business and romantic) can help immensely with this process and free up energy that can now go back into your own health and goals.

♎️Libra: Jupiter in the 9th house, dominating square from Saturn in the 6th house, cycle was seeded in Aquarius in the 5th.

Libra, your creative drives have been in need of a complete rearranging, what worked for you before no longer fuels you. This could also be playing out in your relationship with your children, how you were governing them previously simply doesn't work.

The growth is now showing up in your beliefs - what you believe about the world, yourself, how your children and creative endeavours "should" be managed is about to go through rapid changes. My question to you is, can you play? Does it have to be perfectly organized and structured, or can you allow yourself (and your creative outlets or children) room to breathe and be spontaneous (or visa versa)? Is there spiritual value in being silly, and what about in being serious? And, should you choose to play more, and it turn out to be "ugly," Jupiter will be encouraging you to explore and hold on to both truths – is there beauty to be found in the ugliness?

The tension might be coming from some of your own habits and unpredictable obstacles that hold you back. Maybe some of your routines that are meant to keep you healthy have needed more discipline, ironically. As you mature in your own habits and learn to pivot and work with (or around) the unexpected things that come up, you will gain resilience, your beliefs will have an easier time shifting, and the concept of joy and fun will come with greater ease.

♏️Scorpio: Jupiter in the 8th house, dominating square from Saturn in the 5th, cycle was seeded in Aquarius, 4th house.

Back in December of 2020, the Jupiter – Saturn conjunction began seeding a new cycle in the 4th house, the intention of which is to create new and updated systems at home around the property itself, or perhaps there’s a switch up brewing in the hierarchical structure of your family itself. The 4th house often has to do with our direct ancestry and the roots that we come from, so give some thought to what kind of legacy has been taking shape over the last few years. These topics have been given a great deal of fuel by the Pluto ingress into Aquarius that is now being massively activated and charged up by the Gemini party happening right now.

A major area of growth is coming from the 8th house - Jupiter’s influence may increase your likelihood to receive good favour and look good in other people’s eyes, but the support you might desire may not match the reality of what this Jupiterian figure is able to assist with. Take advantage of this while Jupiter is in these first ten degrees of Gemini until mid July, and seek as much support and advice as you can get.

As Saturn transits through your 5th house, you are most challenged by your own creative limitations, but there exists a beautiful opportunity also to deepen and refine your creative works by pouring yourself into them emotionally. For some of you, you have been holding yourself back or have felt restricted because of responsibilities to children – entrepreneurship could also be draining your time and effort because of a realization of the need to cultivate more or fewer boundaries regarding your emotional energy. If you become more industrious, boundary-aware and resourceful with how you spend your creative energy, the support from Jupiter is more likely to manifest.

♐️Sagittarius: Jupiter in the 7th house, dominating square from Saturn in the 4th house, cycle was seeded in 3rd in Aquarius.

“I did it for the culture”

How you fit into your local culture and relate to those in your proximity is experiencing seismic shifts as the Pluto ingress into your first house charges up the previous Jupiter-Saturn conjunction and is being re-activated by the Gemini party. Becoming more involved with your neighbours and being a part of a healthy ecosystem is increasingly important to you.

A significant amount of growth this year is going to occur in the life of your partners and in regards to relationships as Jupiter enters your 7th house. Your relationships are about to go through a fruitful period, where new options are opening up, especially with folks that are quite counter-culture themselves. For those of you already in committed relationships, this could symbolize some incredible growth in your partner’s life – the symbolism of a Jupiter rebirth brings to mind a renewal, though it will come in an unexpected and unpredictable way.

The biggest challenge currently comes from responsibilities in the home. Saturn transiting through your 4th is asking for more maturity and care to be paid around the home – some of you may even be asked to take care of an elder or sick family member or – while your partner is experiencing their growth period -- you might be required to pick up the slack. It feels like an exploration into your own ancestry and themes family karma is being asked of here.

This would also be a really good timeframe for finding a one on one practitioner to help guide you through a deep dive into your family history to discover the connection between this, how you show up in relationships AND what you can do about it. Doing so will ultimately help you make the connections with your local environment that you have been craving to establish.

♑️Capricorn: Jupiter in the 6th house, dominating square from Saturn in the 3rd, cycle was seeded in the 2nd

This new cycle will be about establishing serious financial independence and implementing systems for resource cultivation, whether those resources being nourished are physical, monetary, or skill-based.

The biggest growth currently is now coming from your daily habits – the 6th house is tied to our daily work -- the daily grind, so to speak. Jupiter moving here is an indication that your desire and motivation to hit the grindstone will increase exponentially, just be aware that anything that you start at this time will still require a good deal of work – the 6th house is a house of toil, it governs the things that we ‘bleed’ for. Amusingly, Jupiter in Gemini will bring with it the desire to work on multiple projects at once, so also be aware of this and try not to split your focus.

The 6th house is also tied to our health, as it was known in Hellenistic times as the house of ‘disease’ – I consider Jupiter moving here to be beneficial for figuring out what things we do on a daily basis that contribute to poor health, especially if it relates to excessive consumption. This is an important opportunity to create much better habits for yourself – so what do you (or consume) often that is causing or exasperating health issues?

A big challenge presenting itself is the environment you most frequently find yourself in. There is something about the culture or your surroundings that is limiting to the projects you want to work on or in some way contributes to the issues arising in your health. Be aware of this and do your best to clean up the environment and surround yourself with electron donors and otherwise healthy individuals, especially when it comes to mental and spiritual health. Saturn in your third house is asking you to develop a strong mind and be a bit more austere in how you engage with the local environment.

There also exists a need to deepen compassionate communication - updating old ways of getting the message out. Addressing these two things will help immensely with creating the habits you want for yourself that will then feed into your overarching mission of resource cultivation.

♒️Aquarius: Jupiter in the 5th house, dominating square from Saturn in the 2nd, cycle was seeded in 1st

There has been a new path unfolding in your life over the last couple of years that will continue to evolve and grow as we move through the Jupiter-Saturn cycle. In what ways has your life changed since 2020, what systematic things are being put in place and what are some of the greater ideals you are now striving to live by?

The biggest growth is currently unfolding before you in the area of your creativity – the things that you find joy in, your romantic life, are flowering now. Jupiter transiting through your fifth house will absolutely bring opportunities to expand your creative endeavours, even bringing in the possibility of romanticism, though these opportunities will be unusual.

For some of you, this period could very well mean a pregnancy, especially as Jupiter is a natural significator for children and we will be experiencing the Venus cazimi in this house as well. A word of caution, however, about engaging in excess, as Jupiter in Gemini may bring many a tempting offer to your plate and being more selective and discerning about which pleasurable activities to chase will be very important going forward.

A big area of challenges currently being presented is coming from your finances and resources, as Saturn presently transits your second house. While there is a huge opportunity to expand creatively, there also exists a need to tighten up the reigns in regards to how you’re spending and earning financially and energetically. For some of you, you may need to tighten reigns and develop better boundaries around your spending, and for others, maybe the opposite is true and you need to spend more compassionately. Remember that ‘spending’ here is referring to more than just monetary resources. Jupiter will encourage you to try all of life’s pleasures to your own detriment, so be cautious of this and listen to the wisdom of frugality. Doing so will ultimately assist you in your amazing continuing restructuring.

♓️Pisces: 4th house, 1st house square, seeded in the 12th.

The intention of this Jupiter – Saturn cycle is tied to our ability to self heal and bringing awareness to the things that we do that cause our own downfall. This house also represents the labour before birth... some of you will be a part of creating and integrating new systems relating to the mental or physical health field, while others are simply renovating their personal mental health.

The biggest growth as Jupiter moves into Gemini is coming from where you are rooted and expansion in (or of) the home. Some of you may be adding to the members of your family at this time, perhaps in the form of children as Jupiter has just completed a new synodic cycle and will become visible here in tropical Gemini. This is a healing process that will unfold over time, and will be greatly boosted as you pay attention to the property and everything that belongs there. You may feel very out of place and at times, like a foreigner in your own home, while others will quite literally explore other countries as a way of diving into their own ancestry to figure out what it means to share roots with a place.

A major tension coming to the surface at this time will be in regards to your relationship with your own body and how that is shifting over time. There’s a need for maturity and structure with how you take care of yourself. Be at peace with the melancholic nature of Saturn (Saturn says it’s okay to take naps). Perhaps picking up some somatic practices would be an ideal way to tap into this creative force brewing inside. What does it mean for you to be going through such personal transmutation, what does it bring up from the past relating to your own family history, and how does this connect to the ways in which you undermine yourself? Enjoy the expansion this brings as this immense energy is freed up!

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Unknown member
Aug 19, 2024

OMG 😳 Taurus is spot on for me 🤯. Thank you. 😊

Unknown member
Aug 20, 2024
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